Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Nice Relaxed Sunday

The weather is beginning to improve here in Toronto. The rains came the other day and melted away much of the snow and ice. The days are beginning to get longer. We had a nice Sunday.

March 13 - A Relaxing Day
James decided to sit in his toy box.

March 13 - A Relaxing Day
James is slowly learning how to ride his tricycle. Moments later he fell and had a little cry.

March 13 - A Relaxing Day
Soon James made his way about on his tricycle, his cheek slightly reddened, but unbowed.

March 13 - A Relaxing Day
The snow has melted, mostly. Soon we'll be out in the park playing.

March 13 - A Relaxing Day
James's Baba visited and James had lots of fun.

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